
Make it a weekend getaway and join the Anderson’s on a relaxing weekend to Lake Janicek, just outside of Columbus, Nebraska. Come when you can, stay as long as you can, leave when you need sunto. The 2013 weekend is set for Aug 2, 3, 4. It’s time to just getaway from everything and hang out with all our great friends!

What to bring:

Sleeping bag, tent, cooler full of the beverage of choice, snack food to share with everyone, beach towel, swimming suit. Young Kids must wear a life jacket to be near the water. If you have them bring lawn chairs, fishing gear and floating devices. Don’t plan on dressing up – this meant to be RELAXING!

pondDirections from Sioux City:

Take Hwy 77 South for 1 hour and 15 minutes till just North of Fremont. Take the exit for Hwy 30 heading West towards Columbus. Follow this road for appox 45 minutes into town. Turn left on 33rd Avenue and follow it South for 4 miles. Travel over the viaduct and continue heading South on 33rd Avenue / Hwy 81 out of town. You will first passover the Loup River and then the Platte River. After the 2nd river bridge, you will take the 3rd left. There is a white house on the left side at the corner in which you take. Follow this gravel road for 1 mile. Turn right when you see the Shyla Estates and the St. Joseph Church sign. Follow this gravel road for .8 miles. You will take this road past a couple of houses the left. Once you pass the last house, look for a turn to the right. You will head between a bean field and corn field. Follow the road to the right and you will come up to the cabin.

The GPS address is 4331 B Rd, Bellwood, Nebraska.

Google Map: http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&hl=en&q=4331+B+Rd,+Bellwood,+NE&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=4331+B+Rd,+Bellwood,+Butler,+Nebraska+68624&ll=41.369917,-97.346592&spn=0.01372,0.031972&z=15